SATeam Blog Carnival August 2011

It’s time for the SATeam’s monthly blog carnival! I haven’t managed to participate in one of these before, but this month’s topic was just too good to resist: “When you travel, what jewelry related stuff to do take with you?”


The first thing I always take with me is good intentions. After all, I’m on vacation, I should have lots of time to work on a pet project…


In years past I have carted my tool box, a couple of bead boxes, some currently favourite cabochons and a full complement of wire to campsites all over Southern Ontario. Most days were spent hiking, swimming, touring, making feeble attempts at building fires with wet wood, and otherwise doing nothing remotely resembling wirework. In fact, by the time the kids were snuggled in their sleeping bags, I was too tired – and it was too dark – to even think about putting pliers to wire.

So the whole kit stayed in the van, along with my good intentions.

In 2007, we rented a cottage in Prince Edward County, which meant we were basically stationary for the week. While I did manage to work on a project, it still remains unfinished.

This year, as we prepared for our trip to the East Coast, I pondered whether or not to bring my tools. I had a basketweaving project I’d been working on for several weeks. It was small, compact, and would only require me to take one spool of 28 ga wire, and my most basic tools – flat nose pliers, round nose pliers and nippers. In fact, everything could fit into two small project boxes I’d be able to carry around in my purse! Perfect!

I did pull the boxes out… to get at other things in my purse, like my camera and my passport.

I even opened the box and looked the project over… once. Then I decided that I wasn’t really in the mood for it, and carefully packed it away again.

Next year, I think I’ll just take my sketchbook, and maybe some watercolours. You never know, I might just be able to get some painting in…

There are several other SATeam members participating in this month’s blog carnival:

Galadryl Designs
Bead Sophisticate
J3 Jewelry

You can find a full list on the Starving Artists blog.


  1. LOL – this sounds so much like me, I can’t stand it!!! I’ve recently just started packing the bag and expecting to never touch it – I take pictures of various and sundry stuff instead. Amazingly, I actually get to work on things a bit – who knew this worked in a perverse reverse way!!!???!

    At least you enjoyed your vacation!

  2. I probably should take a sketch book away with me, but agree that I probably wouldn’t use it. Great to hear that you truly enjoy your time out!

  3. LOL This is what I imagine myself ending up doing…bringing stuff, having good intentions, and it just never seems to be the right time or mood. So it all sits. But really the most important thing is to enjoy your vacation. 🙂 Be sure to let us know how the painting goes next vacation. hehehe

  4. Very nice post, thank you for sharing. This year I did not manage to do a lot either during the holidays. Forgot to bring along the heavy gauge cutters…ooops.

  5. Great post!

    I had to laugh when I got to the part about finally getting the kids in their sleeping bags and it being too dark to work. Nothing like working with wire by the light of a campfire!

  6. I always take a minimum with me and if I don’t manage to make anything, I don’t mind. This is vacation after all! 😉

  7. I did take a window design with me this year and actually spent an hour in New Orleans during a thunder storm working on it! Usually I just drag anything like that with me and never even look at it. IT feels to much like having homework on summer holidays!

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